Safeguarding Policy 2018-03-09T12:11:12+00:00

Our full Child Protection Policy is available on request. This is an extract of the important points.

At Beechwood Childcare we have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. The protection of children is of paramount importance. We have ensured that our policy is in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. The DfE National Standards summary – what to do if you are worried a child is being abused. We have also regard to the Early Years Foundation Stage and Welfare standards within it, and incorporate the procedure from the Local Authority Safeguarding Children Board.

Our aims are:

  • Create an environment in our setting which encourage children to develop a positive self image, regardless of race, language, religion, culture or home background
  • Help children to establish and sustain satisfying relationships within their families, with peers and with other adults
  • Encourage children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence
  • Enable children to have the self confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches; and
  • Work with parents to build their understanding of and commitment to the welfare of all the children

To help achieve these aims:

  • We have a visitors book for recording the details of visitors to the setting.
  • We take security steps to ensure that we have control over who comes into the setting so that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to the children.
  • We will respond to all suspicions of child abuse.
  • We acknowledge that abuse of children can take different forms – physical, emotional, sexual and neglect.
  • We recognise that children suffering from any form of abuse can demonstrate this through changes in their behaviour, or in their play. Where there is cause for concern, the setting will investigate.
  • We allow investigation to be carried out with sensitivity. Staff take care not to influence the outcome either through the way they speak to children or ask questions of children. We do not attempt to investigate the allegation of abuse. We also communicate with the child in a way appropriate to their age, understanding and preference.
  • Where a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff, that member of staff:
  1. Offers reassurance to the child
  2. Listens to the child
  3. Gives reassurance that she or he will take action
  4. Does not questions the child
  5. We will not promise confidentiality
  • Every member of staff will have a Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) enhanced check carried out prior to employment with Beechwood Childcare Limited. The information received will be duly noted, the disclosure number and date of issue recorded. All information will be stored securely at Head Office, with settings having individual disclosure numbers to hand, for inspection purposes. All our procedures and policies adhere to the DBS Code of Practice, the ISA Referral Guidance and the EYFS 2012.
  • Beechwood Childcare Limited is committed to Safeguarding all children, families and staff, and therefore staff are required to update their training and education on a regular basis, as per section 3- The Safeguarding And Welfare Requirements in early years Foundation Stage, Statutory Framework (2012)
  • The use of personal mobile telephones and/or cameras, is not permitted around the children, company mobiles and cameras are provided.
  • Staff are prohibited from having parents as friends on social media, even where they were friends prior to starting with the company. This is to safeguard the welfare of the children in our care. Should you mention confidential information on social media, this will be considered a breach of policy and is subject to disciplinary procedure.